This post is dedicated to my friend Mossman. Mossman is my blog's number one fan and when it went idle for a few weeks Mossman was not pleased. So, he decided to take off to Spain to clear his head. Mossman missed my birthday when he was in Spain but, he did remember to send me some dope salt n peppa shakers from the MOMA Design Store. They are two ghosts hugging, most of the time. Usually, they are all cool and hanging strong on my shelf until last night when they were being all loud and fierce. "GIVE ME YOUR BEING!!!!!!!!!" One yelled and woke me right up.
i'm ready for the one-pedal bicylce toon
I think the high amount of sodium in Sceneos diet is to blame for his mood swings.
I dont think they are hugging. I think they are trying to pass through one another, as ghosts can do, but they are confounded by the porcelain and condiments that are weighing them down.
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