Today my sister told me that she is going to start her own blog. I was all like "Sweet dude! Yeah! Awesome! I will totally have a link to your blog on my blog and stuff. This is gonna be wicked cool." But, honestly, her news made me feel a little bit angry and a little bit more competitive. Anyway, I cooled off a bit and then, as we usually do, she and I decided to meet up and go eat some Hale and Hearty soup samples.
So, I am in Chelsea Market and I see her walking towards me and her bow tie is all askew. Silly sister! Naturally, I reach out to try and fix it but find that I can't control my vicious grip and soon thereafter the skull blood is all backed up and her head blows apart like an over-ripe melon.
"her BOW TIE." hahahha! wow
hey sportsfans, check out my blog, where all fruit names will be spelled correctly!
url coming soon...
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