Toons have been a sizable part of the last three years of my life. Here is a toon I drew while working hard at my first job. I had recently acquired a bunch of television storyboard notebooks and I was excited to use them while I answered the phones and tried to look cute and intriguing at the front desk of a large commercial post-production house.
There was nothing that made me happier than to have an designer-jean clad art director sipping on a Starbuck the size of his head say to me, "Hey, what are you up to over there?" I would then spend as much time as I could impressing him with my whimsical speech patterns and irreverant attitude towards my job until his Land Rover dealership called to let him know that the new upholstery would not be ready for this weekend. I would then pass along the message and the information would inevitably send him into a fit of rage and he would spend the remainder of the afternoon smoking cigarettes on the roof with one of the guys who invented the AFLAC campaign with the stupid duck.
Anyway, I had forgotten about this toon.I think it is almost 4 years old.
Jose, an assistant editor, made people mad and a little bit afraid. He had the kind of no-bullshit attitude that you only ever see demonstrated by people who do not live in New York and work in commercials. Jose was also one of the nicer people for whom I have ever answered the phone but one day, Jose got canned. In any case, he stuck it to the man and went out in style with like a trail of golden flames shooting out of his ass. Now he is an editor and you best organize those files or else he will release a world of pain upon you.
cara is a genius. take that however you want to. but i'm right.
I love getting fired. it totally kicks ass.
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